About Us

VelocityxMass is a student-led nonprofit that participates in local charity runs to raise funds and awareness for the critical medical needs of cancer patients. All donations go directly to the organizing charity. In addition, we provide educational blog posts about exercise, health, and science to empower individuals to lead healthy lifestyles. We hope to uplift and unite the community with these services and aim to make every stride and heartbeat resonate with strength and positive energy. If you are inspired by our cause, please support us by joining us or donating. Our next upcoming event is the 2024 Parkway Run and Walk, which is hosted by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. 


Our mission is to unite communities to support cancer research and treatent efforts through charity running and running advocacy. We are committed to bringing people together through running and to creating a healthier future for children and their families, one stride at a time.


Our vision is a world of wellness where every individual facing cancer receives support and a cure, with the ultimate goal of eradicating cancer entirely.